
We are proud to have Chamelaucium in our collection. This exquisite and fragrant cut flower stands out for its remarkable strength and boundless versatility.

  • Family


  • Availability

    Year round

  • Growth cycle

    2 weeks

  • Water consumption


About Chamelaucium

Chamelaucium, or waxflower, isn’t just a pretty face in the floral world. Native to Western Australia, this tough and beautiful shrub is beloved for its star-shaped blooms and fragrant leaves. At Further & Field we love chamelaucium because of its sparingly need for water, fast grow cycles and gorgeous looks.

Growing Chamelacium

Chamelaucium originates from Western Australia, where it grows in a mix of coastal areas, plains, and hills. It thrives in Mediterranean climates, which have moderate winters and dry, sunny summers, and it does well in places like South Africa and the Mediterranean Basin. Chamelaucium loves to soak up the sun, prefers drier soil, and doesn’t need much water to grow and blossom

Powerhouse flower

What sets chamelaucium apart are its waxy, star-shaped flowers that come in colors like white, pink and purple. The waxy leaves not only make the flowers visually and aromatically striking but also help them last longer.  Which is one of the reasons that Chamelaucium is a top-choice in the cut flower industry because they are so easy to work with; The stems are strong and flexible, making them perfect for flower wreaths or hand-tied bouquets. Most of all, these beauties come in a variety of colours and stay fresh and vibrant for a long time, with a vase-life for up to three weeks.